Grandmothers Voice - Exhibitor

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Grandmother's Voice is as a body of unified Indigenous people creating a safe, secure community that advances education, knowledge, understanding of Indigenous cultures and practices. All individuals, corporations, organizations in public, private and non-profit sectors are welcome to stand shoulder to shoulder with Indigenous Peoples. It is by sharing the knowledge of the Ancestors and their offerings that we discover a new kind of HOPE.

HOPE - How our People Educate is through our Hands Out-reaching Peoples Equity. This serves not only the Original People of our Nation but assists all people and contributes to the self-determination of Indigenous people’s path to the Good Life. Join us for Monthly Virtual and In-person events by registering to become a part of our community of belonging, understanding and healing.

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The Urban Indigenous Action Plan: How we’re working with Indigenous organizations and communities in urban and rural areas to develop relationships, policies and programs.
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