The Early Years Mental Health Committee's (EYMHC) vision for families is that they are strong and stable, emotionally healthy and equipped to nurture their children so that they are ready to learn and reach their full potential. Research has shown that early experiences shape the developing brain and provide the foundation for an individual's mental health and well-being. The social-emotional skills developed in the first six years of a child's life are linked to their later success in school, work and ability to form healthy relationships. The Halton Early Years Mental Health Toolkit was developed by Halton-based professionals, organizations and community agencies who work together to support and educate families. It is an information and education site designed to support professionals in their work with infants/young children and their families. We all have a role to play in promoting and protecting the mental well-being of infants, young children and their families.
The Halton Early Years Mental Health Toolkit is a resource to build the capacity of providers to promote the mental well-being of infants, young children and their families. The toolkit includes:
• An evidence-based Common Message paper
• 8 areas of focus that promote healthy social-emotional development
• An interactive Community Model of Care
• Recommendations for screening & assessment
• Tools and resources that take a deeper look at promoting the social emotional well-being of infants and young children.
This resource is for practitioners working with families during the prenatal period and/or with children from birth to six years.
Community Model: The EYMHC, working across the continuum of early years mental health, has developed a number of tools and resources for service providers working with infants and young children 0 to 6 years of age to promote the healthy social-emotional development of young children.
Click on the infographic below to view Community Model:

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